The first costume I made for Julian was Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. This one was a total surprise. I never told him about it. I knew it was his favorite show. I had a super cool reveal planned ahead of time. I knew that they were opening a Jake and the Neverland Pirates live stage show. So on the special day I had him suit up and we went to the happiest place on earth. When we went into the show he was so excited. The cast members came down once they had seen him. The joked around about how well he looked that he was the real Jake and he should be back stage getting ready for the show. It was awesome.
While Julian was in Texas he had a special day at school. It was something having to do with coming in dressed as an old person. So dad was on the case again. I tried to think of some of the things that said to me old. Here is what I came up with. What was funny was, that even though a lot of kids dressed up and had fun with it, only one other kid in his class was dressed. Julian went up to his teacher and took off his glasses to say, "Hey it's me.... Julian". Like she could not tell. =D